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file  berkeleyapi.h
 includes all berkeley api headers
file  comm.h
 contains data structures and messages used in communication between a peer and the helper
file  debug.h
 debug macros, stolen from andrew and tweaked
file  def.h
 a handful of useful generic defintions
file  errorcodes.h
 provides some basic general purpose error codes Autogenerated by on Tue Mar 29 15:16:11 2005
file  flag.h
 the flag type values. These are simple values that didn't seem to fit into any other header.
file  list.c
 A basic list implementation (optimized for sequential accesses).
file  list.h
 Functions to implement a list.
file  nethelp.c
 provides helpful basic network functions
file  nethelp.h
 provides prototypes for basic helpful network functions
file  netio.c
 provides functions to read and write to sockets specific to the messages that should be sent for the communication protocol.
file  netio.h
 provides functions to do read/write from/to a socket
file  netio_private.h
 private functions to help with communication protocol IO
file  util.c
 contains useful utility functions
file  util.h
 contains useful utility functions

Generated on Wed Mar 30 23:20:48 2005 for NATBLASTER by  doxygen